JMS Garage Sale
Join us for our annual JMS Garage Sale on Saturday, May 10th.
Donation and volunteer information coming soon!
Join us for our annual JMS Garage Sale on Saturday, May 10th.
Donation and volunteer information coming soon!
Bring a towel or mat and join us on the Children’s House playground for an evening of parent-child mindful movement!
Join us for the return of Jazz for JMS- an exciting evening of good eats, live music, silent auction, and more!
Your ticket purchase includes a delicious dinner from Centro and the opportunity to connect with other JMS parents/caregivers and staff. Any additional funds raised at the event will go toward our annual Together We Grow fundraising campaign.
Thank you for supporting our mission- we look forward to celebrating JMS with you on March 15th!
Jonathan Montessori School, located in Chaska, Minnesota, is an authentic Montessori learning environment & daycare for children 16-months through Kindergarten. JMS offers half-day, full-day and extended-day care & curriculums. JMS is a private preschool with summer day camps, and aim to meet the needs of children socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically while grounded on the methods and philosophy of Maria Montessori - serving infants, preschoolers and Kindergarteners from Carver, Waconia, Victoria, Chaska, Chanhassen, Eden Prairie, and the surrounding Carver County area. Helping prepare children for independent and joyful lives. School setting, with daycare hours!
Jonathan Montessori School
112090 Hundertmark Road
Chaska, MN 55318
Phone: (952) 448-5232
Fax: (952) 448-7616
Jonathan Montessori is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
All images appearing on the Jonathan Montessori School (JMS) website are the exclusive property of JMS.
The images may not be reproduced, copied, transmitted, or manipulated without the written permission of JMS.
Copyright ©2024 Jonathan Montessori House of Children, Inc. All Rights Reserved.